Mindful living is an art. You do not have to be a monk or live in a monastery to practice mindfulness. You can practice it anytime, while driving your car
Whether we have happiness or not depends on the seeds in our consciousness. If our seeds of compassion, understanding, and love are strong, those qualities will be able to manifest
Have you ever had one of those conversations where you can feel the person across from you withdrawing or becoming agitated and anxious? Then you start talking more as your
We believe that happiness is possible only in the future. That is why the practice ‘I have arrived’ is very important. The realization that we already have arrived, that we
The word suchness describes reality as it is. Most of our suffering arises from our ideas and concepts. If you are able to free yourself from these concepts/beliefs, anxiety and
When we look deeply at the nature of things, we see that in fact everything is impermanent. In our ignorance we believe that there is a permanent entity in us,
When you contemplate a big full sunrise, the more mindful and concentrated you are, the more the beauty of the sunrise is revealed to you. That is why mindfulness and concentration
Any object, food, being is an ambassador of the cosmos. Take for an example a piece of bread and consider all that goes into making the piece of bread-sunlight, water,
In Your True Home, Hanh defines mindfulness as the energy that helps us to be there 100%. It is the energy of your true presence. In an age of distractions, multitasking,