I have arrived
We believe that happiness is possible only in the future. That is why the practice ‘I have arrived’ is very important. The realization that we already have arrived, that we don’t have to travel any further, that we are already here, can give us peace and joy. The conditions for our happiness are already sufficient we only need to allow ourselves to be in the present moment, and we will be able to touch them.
If I am wearing my business hat and if we substitute happiness for success in this lesson then we have another valuable concept to chew on, another lens with which to approach each day. So much time in our businesses can be devoted to planning, setting the next goal when we are thinking strategically.
So as a practice in order to grow a sustainable business, I would suggest we all check in regularly and recognize the small successes. AND to recognize that we have all the tools right here and right now at our disposal to serve our ideal clients and experience the success we want. One of those tools may be knowing when to ask for help. I can help with that. Let’s talk and identify your strengths, recent successes, and dreams to grow your sustainable business.
Thich Nhat Hanh. Your True Home: The Everyday Wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh. Ed. Melvin McLeod. Boston: Shambhala, 2011. Print.