Why We Suffer


When we look deeply at the nature of things, we see that in fact everything is impermanent. In our ignorance we believe that there is a permanent entity in us, and our pain and suffering manifest on the basis of that ignorance. If we touch deeply the non-self nature in us, we can get out of that suffering.

Some of Thich Nhat Hanh’s lessons in Your True Home are a bit harder to apply to business than others! When I look to understand this lesson, first off I swap the work “ignorance” for “lack of knowing”. Then I can begin to feel into this lesson in a variety of ways:

  • Each day is a new beginning, and with that mindset I allow myself to let go of yesterday’s mistakes and start anew.
  • Taking myself too seriously gets me nowhere, as does taking anything personally.
  • It is okay to bring more fun and levity into everyday. Not just okay, recommended!

I am curious; how does this lesson speak to you. Please share or reach out to me directly.

Thich Nhat Hanh. Your True Home: The Everyday Wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh. Ed. Melvin McLeod. Boston: Shambhala, 2011. Print.