What are you waiting for?

I walk.

I walk a lot, just ask my family. It is one of my favorite activities; I think about the day ahead, I notice small details that one rarely sees while driving, and I feel better afterwards.

Yesterday while out on my walk, I passed another walker coming from the opposite direction who was wearing a nice pair of exercise shorts paired with a fun shirt in a bright color and this walker smelled terrific. I was wearing my typical walking uniform: 8 year old shorts, a t-shirt from college, and I am certain that I did not smell good.

This got me thinking, here I am doing one of my favorite activities, something I do almost every day. I have better shorts and t-shirts. I have a small bottle of lotion that smells great.

What am I waiting for? What occasion will be special enough to use the ‘good’ stuff? Which outing will prompt me to wear the ‘new’ item in my closet? When will the house be ‘done’ enough to have the party I keep envisioning?

Sound familiar? I don’t think I am alone in this habit of setting aside special items for the ‘perfect’ occasion.