Welcome 2017
Each year, I take some time in December and January to reflect on the year passed and think about an intention for the coming year. My intention for 2017 is clarity.
2016 was a tremendous year for my business because every single client I worked with was terrific. I was inspired by my great clients to do some of my best work, seek out new vendors and materials, and give fully of my time and talents. It is with gratitude that I begin 2017 and in that spirit, I have been writing each morning.
I write down 3 things I am grateful for, 3 things I would like to practice for the day, and a reflection on one of Thich Nhat Hanh’s lessons from Your True Home. The days I have postponed my new daily writing practice are the days that have not been so great. So, I invite you to join me this year to reflect each day with an eye on attracting really great clients and growing sustainable businesses.
Day One
Hanh reflects that you can find your true home in the full relaxation of your mind and body in the present moment.
Staying present in our businesses almost seems like a counterproductive directive for landscape designers. So much of what we do is thinking about the future-designing spaces to be enjoyed for years to come, creating installation timelines, placing orders for plans that exists partly in our head and partly on paper. Not to mention thinking about where our next clients are going to come from!
What I do know from direct experience is that my business grew in wonderful ways the more I stayed present. How? I started to pay attention to the types of clients and projects that I really enjoyed. Over time I created a profile of my ideal client/project. Then I was vigilant about only accepting jobs from clients who met my criteria.
Great clients are the foundation to your businesses’ success and growth. Do you know who your great clients are? Sign up for a Strategy Session and let’s take 45 minutes together to talk about your ideal clients and how to get more of them.
Thich Nhat Hanh. Your True Home: The Everyday Wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh. Ed. Melvin McLeod. Boston: Shambhala, 2011. Print.