Slow down to go fast

Slow down to go fast. I love this saying. The first time I really ‘heard’ this in a way that I could integrate into something immediately was on Tim Ferriss’ podcast. He was interviewing Dave Elitch whose exact words were ‘Slow down. Do it again.’


We are all busy. The number one thing my coaching clients lament is how little time there is in a day. We confuse urgent and important. We have been trained to think that being productive is the main objective which often sacrifices effective.


What does ‘slow down to go fast’ look like to me? The simplest answer is systems. I teach the 4 S’s of Success and no surprise that the first ‘S’ is systems. Identifying the need for a system, developing a system, and then periodically evaluating the systems all takes time. Many business owners feel like they are trying to walk through molasses when in the creation and implementation phase of systems development. However, I am here to affirm that it is worth it! Stay the course. 



Let’s start with what deserves a system-anything you have done more than once.

Meaning once a system is in place then you can easily replicate the desired result, you can teach someone else to do this task in a much shorter amount of time, you clear your schedule and your mind for actual income producing activities or creative daydreaming. 

These are just a few of the myriad of reasons you want to slow down and development systems for your business in order to go fast.


In gratitude,
