You followed your dream and started your own business...
You have been recognized with added responsibilities…
You are the team leader…

Now what? Is it harder than you thought it would be?

Better decision making is the key.

Kristan Browne of Attriniti teaches business owners and leaders how to identify their decision making style and streamline their process. Good decision making paired with The 4 S’s of Success-SPACE, SYSTEMS, STRUCTURE, STRATEGY is a winning team. 

Attriniti’s Business Consulting, Trainings, and Workshops are customized for entrepreneurs, executives, leaders, and teams. Kristan’s clients learn to develop a decision making process that reduces the day to day stress, overwhelm, and distractions that stand in the way of achieving your goals.

Are you struggling with:

  • Finding quality clients ready to pay you what you’re worth?
  • Attracting top talent to your company?
  • Retaining the clients/employees you love to work with?
  • Navigating difficult conversation.
  • Developing a marketing strategy that you can afford and yields real results?
  • On-boarding new hires efficiently?
  • Riding out bumpy feast-or-famine seasonal cycles?
    Feeling ‘sales-y’ or inauthentic when you share about your business?
  • Working smarter not harder?

Better Decisions and The 4 S’s of Success support professionals and teams who are ready to experience a new level of success.

The 4 S’s of Success

Space, Systems, Structure, Strategy

Attriniti Consulting offers the unique 4 S’s of Success Coaching Program for business owners, executives, and teams. Take a few moments to answers the questions below then let’s schedule a time review your results. I am looking forward to learning more about you and your business.

  • Get more clients and referrals for a thriving business
  • Attract and retain high quality team members
  • Build client loyalty among your current clients for repeat business
  • Work smarter not harder
    Take the guess work out of how to grow a sustainable business
  • Eliminate dropped balls and stop losing income
  • Live YOUR definition of success

Schedule your complementary consult with Kristan now to learn more.