What is your intention for 2015? Mine, rigorous honesty
I have shared with several colleagues and friends that my intention for 2015 is rigorous honesty with myself and gentle honesty with others-when asked!
It is amazing how simple life can be when we take the time to check in with ourselves and make choices based on what we know to be in alignment with our goals, dreams, and our integrity.
BUT sometimes even getting to that place of taking time to check in or a space where we can pause and listen is challenging.
A “chicken and the egg” kind of thing tends to happen…
So, in the spirit of honesty and simplicity, and I will add beauty to the mix because what is a life without beauty? I will be sharing a tip each week to build your business and your life into one of success and prosperity.
For the month of January as we acquaint ourselves with 2015, my tips will center around time, scheduling, and prioritizing.
This week I am going to suggest you write down your ‘big rocks’, link to big rocks story and webinar.
Get macro. Look at 2015 as a whole.
What are your must-haves? Physical activity, travel, time with family, time with friends? A deeper connection with your faith community? A new hobby? A new business?
Write down all of your big rocks. These are scheduled first and foremost.
Here are mine:
- Some form of exercise daily. Sometimes when I don’t have the time to do my preferred hour long walk then I will completely give up on exercising for that day. Hello! This is not about perfection, Kristan. Walk the dog around the block after dinner. Just do something. You know that you will feel better.
- Have friends over once a month for brunch-It is less stressful than dinner! Brunch food is much easier to prepare.
- Plan two trips this year. Travel is my guilty pleasure!
- Read for pleasure every day. Reading is my other guilty pleasure. Getting books from the library makes it an affordable endeavor as well!
- Family dinner 3x a week minimum. Enough said.
- Launch a small group program this spring or early summer.
- Talk to Mom and Dad at least once a week.
This is the start of my ‘big rocks’ list. I may think of more later, but I feel really good about what I have written down. It helps to share it with all of you, too.
Thank you!
Have a great day and a great week. If you want to accelerate your year then feel free to contact me directly for the next tip of the week at:
I would love if you would share your big rocks either with a post on Facebook, or ask to join my Group Pinterest Board ‘Big Rocks’ 2015.